Thursday, April 29, 2010

OPRAH MY OPRAH Interviews Rielle Hunter

Today Oprah did what Oprah does, got an interview from someone who doesnt give interviews. Thats right the exalted Oprah got one this time from Rielle Hunter. You may not immediately remember this name or maybe you do if not I shall fill you in anyway. Rielle is the mistress and baby momma of former Democratic candidate for presidency in 2008, John Edwards. Now, two things occured to me immediately while watching her trying to look poised in her hot pink cardigan (which seems to be the universal trying not to look like a ho get up). Number one was her name, which is is trailer trashy like miller hi-life and cut off shorts, where does this girl hail from with a name like Rielle? Number two was although Elizabeth Edwards is a portly relatively unattractive lady Rielle is no looker by any standards. I have seen the pictures before and although her face looked brick bust(yes like someone hit her in the face with a brick) I always thought the tabloids were doing her wrong like many people caught by the paprazzi doing menial day to day tasks. As I watched her on Oprah her Keebler Elf like face shalacked with make up three shades darker than her skin applied thick to cover her acne scars, blush applied in the ol' school apple method I thought to myself women like this are ruining marraiges, public images, PRESIDENTIAL HOPES???? In the words of my good sister Heaven Glamour(hey G's) "I JEST DONT GIT IT"... Immediately I harken back to the Lewinsky days when the same types questions were floating around. Why are these powerful men cheating, nay ruining thier lives and careers for these short lived trysts with Trailer-Park Tammys??? These are the facts John Edwards is an attractive man, powerful, talented yet he ended up with Rielle. Elizabeth Edwards used to be about an 8 after a bout with cancer and 3(?) kids she is is still a solid 5 and Rielle is a 6 before the kid with no cancer, this confuses me. But back to the interview, Rielle spends the 50 minutes trying to convince Oprah and herself that she is not a homewrecker. I mean I wanted Oprah to ask her do you even know what a homewrecker is cause by definition you are THE homewrecker honey. She talks about meeting him knowing he was married but basically coming on to him in a hotel bar and kicking it with him that night in his hotel where they had a "4 hour conversation." I assume, and I am sure Elizabeth, Oprah, and every woman watching (hoes and wives alike) are thinking like me, by 4 hours she means 30 minutes and by conversation she means blowing him into oblivion. Over the next 20 minutes she describes leading him into a life of truth(yes truth) and that was her purpose when she met him, really the nerve of a Ho getting philosophical about ho'ing however appaling did make me cackle. Rielle became John Edwards videographer which is ironic because the two eventually made a sex tape together(ewwww) that she claims she tried to eradicate. As both Oprah and I both gave her the lying bitch stare down she tried to explain at The O's behest how she detroyed the very tape that was later turned over intact by an Edwards aide. Hmmm a videographer who doesnt know how to destroy a video tape. Idk I guess lying and ho'ing go hand in hand, it can be said one is the essence of the other(you decide).
She did raise an interesting point however, she said she couldnt break up a relationship that was already broken which I agree with in part. Although it seems that she took a relationship with cracks in it because of the stress of terminal disease, kids, and politics and chop that shit in half Bruce Leroy style(yes thats right Daddy Greens boy). Im just saying I wanted to see Rielle take some responsibility for taking this womans husband.
Even though I love her people arent property line(classic ho quote) husbands and wives by definition are property, Im pretty sure religious marraige vows say something like that. I want to see all of the side bitches of the world embrace their part in the the wrecking of homes and stop using that tired ass "I cant take him" and "If she were doing her job..." its like no you assisted with many blow jobs and free time to randomly kick it and do sexual things that a wife and mother with responsibilities of keeping this mans home in shape probably hasn't the time to do.

Anyway Rielle finished the interview by implying that she is still fucking John although she wouldnt say directly she was and that he pays for her baby and her crib too. After this whole fiasco Im thinking the only differences between Johnny(as she affectionately called him throughout the interview) Edwards and every NBAer and NFLer is a few inches(height and length;), coonish jewelry, and smashing videographers as opposed to video girls. SMH step it up politicians......ruin your marraige and career over something young and hot not old and leathery....

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